Ultimate Comfort

Every year more homes are becoming “smart” and eco-friendly. In fact, last year, there was a 14% increase in homes with energy-efficient HVAC systems. 

When you first invested in your HVAC system, it was likely very efficient and worked perfectly. However, as time passes and you use your heating and cooling, the unit starts to become less energy-efficient. This leads to high utility bills and lost energy. 

You can benefit greatly by focusing on your heating and cooling system. Improving your HVAC efficiency can seem difficult, but there are several easy steps you can take. Even small adjustments can make a big difference. 

Below, we’re going to show you how to make changes to improve system airflow and more. 

Seal and Insulate 

No matter how new or upgraded your HVAC system is, if you don’t have proper insulation and sealing, your home will not be energy efficient. Any gaps or leaks can reduce efficiency.

By insulating the walls and floors, you’ll help maintain a constant temperature in your space. It will also reduce the workload on your HVAC system, allowing it to last longer and be more efficient.

Take the time to check your attic if you have one. You may need to increase insulation there, too. 

Make Upgrades 

If you haven’t upgraded to a smart thermostat, now may be the time to do so. There are new advances that allow you to adjust your thermostat settings.

You can adjust your system’s output based on your lifestyle, schedule, and needs. When the space isn’t occupied, you can reuse the heating and cooling.

This will make being energy-efficient much easier. It will also help reduce your bill and keep your place cool in the summer and warm in the winter

Regular Maintenance 

We know life can get busy and scheduling inspections may not be at the top of your to-do list. However, having your system serviced and checked periodically will make a big difference in your HVAC efficiency. 

An expert will notice if something is wrong and correct it right away. This will prevent big issues. It will also ensure your system is working the best it can. 

Schedule a professional once a year for tune-ups. You then won’t have to worry about it again. You can trust that your system is working smoothly and as efficiently as possible. 

Your regular maintenance appointments will include having the air filters cleaned or replaced, which will lead to good system airflow. They will also check for leaks and lubricate all moving parts. Not only will this ensure HVAC efficiency, but it will also extend your unit’s lifespan. 

Cooling the Costs: HVAC Efficiency

If you’ve recently noticed a spike in your utility bill or if you’re working to reduce your carbon footprint, the steps above can help you. By being proactive, you can optimize your HVAC efficiency and create a comfortable environment. 

Ultimate Comfort understands how important your home and workplace are to you. They are important to use as well. With over 100 years of combined experience, we’re confident we can help you. 

Book an appointment with us today!

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